Posts tagged wordpress
Will SEO drop if you move your website from WordPress to Squarespace?

Um wow I can’t believe it has taken me so long to write about this topic because it literally comes up allllllll the time when I work with clients! Whether it’s with my custom website projects or SEO clients, this is a question that burns strong in everyone’s minds - for good reason!

Over the past few years, Squarespace has exploded in popularity and users LOVE how easy it is to use, how functional the platform is, how much control they have over their website’s design, and also how they’re set up for SEO success right from the start.

Squarespace doesn’t mess around - they WANT your website to grow as big as possible on their platform and reach massive audiences online. Think about it, that is a great look for them so you’d better believe they’re going to do everything they can to help you out here. When it comes to SEO, Squarespace takes extra steps to make it as easy and automated as possible (much love to the Squarespace product design and development teams! xoxo)

It’s no surprise, therefore, that many people, brands and businesses choose to build new websites on Squarespace - it truly is an “all in one” platform with major bang for your buck!

But the big question people still want to know: what if you already have a website built on Wordpress and you want to move over to Squarespace? What happens to SEO and any high rankings you’ve already built up? Is your website’s SEO going to completely tank when you make the switch?

These questions and concerns are totally valid, but I’m here to tell you are probably worried about nothing!

Trust me, this should NOT be something that holds you back from moving your website from WordPress over to Squarespace and I’m going to tell you exactly why that is. Plus, I’ll also give you tips to follow so that you set yourself up for SEO success after the switch! There are best practices to follow when migrating from WordPress to Squarespace and if you keep them in mind, you will minimize any negative SEO effects.

And best of all? If you follow these instructions closely, you might even see an improvement in your website’s SEO and rankings in the long run!

Ready to dive in? Let’s go!

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Ultimate CMS Showdown - which platform is right for you?

After a summer hiatus, I'm back at it again and taking full advantage of Vancouver's booming tech scene. I've been popping around the city attending tech industry meet-ups, networking events, and panel discussions on a regular basis once more and it feels great. I love that our city is buzzing and that new opportunities present themselves at every turn. Our local tech industry is growing by leaps and bounds and I'm thrilled to be a part of it!

But does that mean that you're doomed if you DON'T live in a tech hub? Are you automatically at a disadvantage if you want to make it in our field outside of these areas? Are your chances of becoming a quality web designer/developer lower from the start?

NOPE, nope nope!

Thanks to the internet, information is instantly accessible to anyone, anywhere in a way that has never been seen before. This means that even if you don't live in a major area where tech events are happening every night of the week, you can still get the Coles Notes of these events with a little research!

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