Charlotte O'Hara
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Charlotte O'Hara
Web Designer & Squarespace SEO Expert

How to create SEO-friendly product pages & Descriptions with Squarespace

Video Training / $250


From selling your first digital product, all the way to a full-blown online Shop & booming e-commerce sites!

Welcome, my friend, to the wonderful world of digital & physical products!

If you’ve found your way to this video training, I’m going to safely assume that you fall into one of the two follow groups:

GROUP 1: The Product Newbie

You know what would be nice? Making a few extra bucks every month by leveraging a resource/template that you’ve already already created.

Maybe you’re a service provider and you’d love to sell a digital/physical product (or two) on the side to compliment your other offerings. Maybe it’s a template pack, a ready-made resource, a fill-in-the-blank feature - whatever makes sense to your biz & website, but your creative juices are already flowing.

You figure that if you’ve got the goods sitting around, why NOT set them up for anyone to get? And look, if things take off and the “passive income” starts coming through 24/7 as your products start selling themselves on auto-pilot, that’s just icing on the cake :)

If you are a Product Newbie, then you probably want someone to show you HOW to sell products on your Squarespace website. You want to learn how to set up a basic shop, get your products “out there” for potential customers to enjoy, and make sure that they’re SEO-friendly from the start!

GROUP 2: The Growth-Minded Product Creator

Up next, we’ve got the Growth-Minded Product Creator.

You’ve already got a few (digital or physical) products up and running on your Squarespace website - sure, the basics are covered and you’re making a few sales here and there…. but things could be better LOL! 🤣

You’re stuck in the dreaded feast/famine launch cycle when instead what you’d really you like is for steady sales to come in on their own, not just whenever you send out a promo email to your list.

There’s no doubt that your products are fantastic… but you’re having trouble getting them in front of paying customers! You KNOW that your dream people are out there (hello, literally billions of people use the internet every day), and now it’s time to show up online and get in front of them when they’re doing a Google search.

Growth and increased sales are the name of the game here.

To put it bluntly, you’ve got to polish the turd if you want to make bank ;)

Your next step is to improve the existing products that you sell on your Squarespace website, so that you can reach more of your dream customers and make more sales!

dream customers are everywhere, but they’ve got to find you first!

I know how you’re feeling because I was in your shoes just a few years ago.

It takes a lot of time, effort and money to get your business and website up and running. Adding digital/physical products to the mix can definitely pay off BUT there is a steep learning curve!

Sure, you could take a stab at it on your own, set up a few products on your Squarespace website and hope for the best.

That’s one option.

But, I’ll tell you from experience, it’s going to be an uphill climb.

📣 📣 📣 Your dream customers can’t buy from you if they can’t find your products online. 📣 📣 📣

Anyone and their cat can slap up a basic product page on Squarespace, but that’s not enough.

You have to go a step further and make a killer product pages and descriptions that speak to your dream customers, clearly outline your goods AND actually shows up in Google search results!

First of all, your target customer has to find their way to your product page. When they finally get there, they should feel completely seen & understood, like you “get” their problems & pain points or you know how much joy they’re gonna get from your trinkets, and it’s a no brainer that they want to buy from you asap.

It doesn't matter if your products are digital or physical either - the point is that you MUST have effective product descriptions & pages for your items on your Squarespace website.

And for best results? Those product descriptions & pages should be SEO-friendly (so that people can actually find it through a Google search) AND focused on conversions to drive sales (aka “buy now”).

Here’s a look at your current product descriptions & page:

  • “ummmmmm I don’t have one yet 😇”

  • you took a stab at building & designing it on your own #diy #doneisbetterthanperfect

  • you followed an outline in a random "what to put on a product page" blog post

  • you included the basic info you think your customers want to know…. but honestly, it could be better

  • you added in a few pics to mix things up with *~visual content~*

Ok yes that’s better than nothing! Who knows, you could bring in a sale or two from that alone - stranger things have happened!

But, it's time to face the facts.

It's not enough to create a basic product page and think that "if you build it, they will come & buy".

LOL no, sadly the internet doesn't work that way!


📣 People Can’t buy what they can’t find 📣

Let’s role play for a sec - I want you to put yourself in your dream customer’s shoes.

They’re out there, browsing and searching the interwebs for a little sumptin sumptin’.

Like any normal person, they open Google and see what comes up. Yes that’s it! Nope too broad, gotta get more specific. They find what they’re looking for, take a look and decide if they’re going to whip out their Visa card.

So ask yourself:


Truth bomb: if your product pages and website aren’t showing up in their online search results, then they aren’t going to buy from you.

People can’t buy from you if they can’t even find you in the first pace!! We’ve got to give Google what it wants.

STEP ONE of your product page setup or overhaul is to make sure that it’s SEO friendly.

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This brings us to STEP TWO, which is all about getting your ideal customer closer to a purchasing decision.

Let’s imagine that they miraculously found your website and ended up on you product page.

The next question is how are you going to turn them from site visitor to paying customer?

Serious question, hunni.

How are you secure the sale and get them to buy?

There are literally MILLIONS of websites out there and who knows how many same/similar products that you have.

With all those options, how do you get your dream client to decide “yes, this is what I want, take my money now”?!

Your product descriptions and pages must give your ideal customer allllll the information they need to feel confident in the next steps of buying from you.

This goes beyond a basic outline of your product or a general FAQ .

Instead, you have to format the copy correctly, go ham with keywords and long-form content, and use language that speaks directly to your dream client.

It’s all about getting them closer to the sale so that they can make a purchasing decision.

BONUS: this helps make the product description & page more SEO-friendly by default:)

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A video training that solves your problems

I’ve been at this Squarespace SEO thing for a longggg time, and I know exactly what you need.


Let me repeat myself once again, for the skimmers haha

the product descriptions & pages on your squarespace website must do two things:

  1. show up in online search results so that people can actually FIND your products

  2. focus on conversions so that you increase $ales and grow your biz

This video training covers both and I’m going to teach you exactly how to do it!

First off, we’re going to make sure that your product descriptions & pages actually shows up in Google search results (preferably on page 1, duh).

Secondly, we’re going to focus on copy, content, keywords and the info your dream customer needs in order to make that purchasing decision.

More traffic to your products > higher conversions > more sales > the better your business will do > more dream customers served

I don't make the rules, but I sure as heck know how to make search engines like Google happy!

Through my work as a Squarespace SEO experT, I’ve noticed my clients struggle with the same problem - over and over again.

I have literally worked with HUNDREDS of business & shop owners, digital and physical product creators and time and time again, I hear the same story.

Creating a product was a big enough challenge… and getting people to actually buy it?
Ugh, much harder than expected, apparently.

This is why I created this video training specifically focused on creating SEO-friendly product descriptions and page on your Squarespace website.

With a little understanding of SEO and conversions, the sales will start happening on autopilot.

That's what I'm here to teach you in this video training.

Best of all, I'll demo it on a real Squarespace website so that you can see exactly how it's done and follow along in real time!

So, if you've ever felt like there's room for improvement or you want to get it right from the start, then this video training is for you!

No fluff, no filler. Just straight-to-the-point actionable information that you can start using on your Squarespace website TODAY.


Who is this training for?

This video training is for anyone that sells & markets products through a Squarespace website.

Whether you sell 1-2 single digital products (e.g., basic templates), or if you have an online shop as one part of your business, or right up to full blown e-commerce sites - this training is for you!

It’s great for: small businesses, e-commerce online shops, solopreneurs, photographers, designers, coaches & consultants, social media managers, etc.

Doesn't matter if you sell digital or physical products either - we cover both!

You will benefit from this video training if:

  • you have one or more product(s) set up you your Squarespace website, but want to improve SEO, conversions and sales

  • you are planning to sell product(s) or set up an online shop/e-commerce section on your Squarespace website

If you want your dream customers to buy from you, they have to be able to FIND your products online first.

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What’s included in this video training?

This video training comprises of the following lessons:

  • Welcome and introduction to the video training

  • Squarespace SEO 101: what you need to know

  • Benefits vs features of your product: what leads to more sales?

  • Keywords

  • How long should product pages & descriptions be?

  • What to include in your product pages & descriptions - step by step tutorial

  • Adding related products to product pages

  • Should you create templates or duplicate product pages & descriptions?

  • Create blog content that sells your products

  • Next steps after completing this video training

How do I watch the video training?

The videos that make up this training are all hosted together for easy access.

Once you purchase the video training, you will have instant access to all the video content and can watch it at your convenience as many times as you’d like. Simply hit “play” on the first video in this training and follow along!

Here’s a preview of how the lessons appear within the training (click through the slideshow):

Love those screen grabs for me LOL


the payment and enrollment process

1. Complete your payment

2. Create student login

3. Begin the training

 NOTE: This is a pre-recorded, on-demand video training and not a recording of a live training or Masterclass.

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 Charlotte’s Squarespace SEO trainings are different. Here’s why


Learn from the best in this random little niche


Experienced and focused on results? That’s a guarantee, always with up-to-date information


A training that demo’s a Squarespace website so that you can learn and work alongside!



Cost effective trainings that deliver hella good value


Watch the videos whenever, wherever & as many times as you’d like



You asked, we listened - straight to the point, no fluff or filler


Frequently Asked Questions

You’ve got questions, we’ve got answers.

Is this video training taught live?
No. This is a pre-recorded, on-demand video training. There is no “live” component or instruction by Charlotte.

How long do I have access to this video training?
How does lifetime access sound? You will receive instant access to the video training - along with all future updates! Tech moves fast and we always stay on top of it.

How long will it take to complete the video training?
It'll take you about an hour to complete the video training lessons.
On top of that, you should also set aside time to work on your website (create new product description pages or update/improve existing product pages).

Does it matter if my website is on Squarespace 7.0 or 7.1?
No, it’s totally fine either way - we cover both in this training!

What if my website isn't on Squarespace?
This video training is focused on SQUARESPACE product descriptions, product page, e-commerce/online shops and SEO.
So, if your website is hosted on another platform (like Shopify, Wordpress, Wix), you must understand that all the demos/tutorials will show a Squarespace website. We have had past students take this video training even if they have websites hosted on other platforms and yes, they have gotten loads of value out of the content (since many of the lessons/strategies/steps apply regardless of the platform you're using). That being said, this course is intended for people with Squarespace websites so the decision is yours. Think it through before purchasing and let us know if you have any questions before you buy :)

I’m not very tech savvy, will I still be able to follow along and understand the training?
YES! It truly does not matter if you are a complete beginner, we never assume knowledge and will hold your hand every step of the way! You can follow along with the demos and do the work on your own Squarespace site in real time as we go through many of the lessons. I’ve got you covered!

Why should I pay for this training, can’t I find the information online for free?
I love this question :)
For one thing, when you pay for something (like this training) you’re invested in yourself/your biz and are wayyyy more likely to take action, do the work and finally get results. You've got skin in the game now, ya dig?
Also, much of the free information out there is incorrect, out of date or ineffective, whereas this training’s content is current and top quality.
We also demo everything on a Squarespace website, so it’s not just a generic general training.
Also, you’d have to hack together a whole bunch of content from different sources whereas I’ve put it all in one place #yourewelcome :)

What if I have a question?
You are welcome to email Charlotte with any questions.

Do you offer refunds?
No. Due to the digital nature of this video training, we do not issue refunds. If you have any questions or want to make sure this video training is right for you, please email Charlotte prior to purchasing.


Meet your instructor

Hi, I’m Charlotte! Squarespace SEO Expert, web designer and online educator.

I’ve used organic SEO to grow countless websites - and I've taught my students to the same with their own websites.

I've also built many product pages in my day - both for my own online shop and my clients’ e-commerce businesses ;)

I created this video training specifically for anyone who wants to sell products via their Squarespace website.

Whether you’d like to get one or two digital products up and running, or you’re looking to build a full blown online shop, this is the info you need to get started!

This video training gets straight to the point and we really drill down on the specific requirements of Squarespace products - making them SEO-friendly AND focused on conver$ion$.

There are a lot of moving parts involved in a product page that actually gets found by your dream clients online. Between the actual look & feel of the page, to the copy & language you use, to the keywords you include, to the images that support your text and everything else, it's no wonder people get overwhelmed or never even try it out in the first place!

In this video training, you'll get a step-by-step plan and “behind the scenes” look at what it takes to build and design an SEO-friendly product pages & descriptions on your Squarespace website... so that people can find you online, learn about your amazing products, decide that you’re the right person they want to buy from, and ultimately make the $ALE!

Your dream customers are out there and they’re ready to buy from you - they’ve just got to find out about your amazing products first!

I have seen first-hand how a little work goes a long way and any type of website/online shop can reap the benefits. The world needs more kick-a$$ websites climbing the rankings and I’m excited to share my tried & true best Squarespace, sales and online marketing practices with you here in this video training.

See you in the training!

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