Posts tagged Google Ads keyword planner
Solving 7 common Squarespace SEO dilemmas (where to start, content, backlinks, on-site & more!)

Ahhhh Squarespace SEO.

It’s both a rose and a thorn, because once you begin and start seeing results, you won’t be able to stop! I love how it combines creative AND technical work because it means that anyone (and everyone!) can do it successfully.

I’ve been at this a long time now and I get so hyped anytime someone tells me they took my advice, followed my instructions and are growing their websites and businesses by leaps and bounds! Truly, it’s music to my ears.

But the thing is, people usually decide to work with me AFTER they’ve already tried to get started on their own - usually unsuccessfully. They’re totally confused by all the info out there on Squarespace SEO - whether it’s from random blog posts, out of date Youtube videos, sales-y webinars that delivered zero value, whatever.

My consulting clients and Squarespace SEO students come to me with the same questions. I’ve rounded up the 7 most common Squarespace SEO dilemmas or pain points, and I’m solving them here today!

This is the kind of Squarespace SEO information that I would never keep to myself because if everyone figures it out and applies it to their own websites, the internet would be a MUCH better place and people wouldn’t hate their websites anymore haha!

So if you’ve ever be interested in Squarespace SEO but been totally stumped by any of these common questions - don’t panic! You’ve come to the right place and I’m happy to point you in the right direction.

I’ve also linked to a few related blog posts that you might enjoy below, so be sure to check those out too!

Ready to get started? Let’s go!

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Do these 5 things so that people actually find and read your blog posts

Coming in HOT with this highly requested blog post!

A few weeks back, I asked my email list what kind of content they wanted to see more of here on the blog.

Most people come to me to learn about Squarespace SEO and as predicted, that topic topped the poll of requested blog post topics - unsurprising, tbh, but still great to see we are all on the same page LOL!

In second place, however, my newsletter subscribers requested that I write more blog posts about “SEO-focused blogging” aka how to write blog posts that people actually read and that will show up in Google search results.

More blog posts about blogging? Makes sense because blogging is a massive part of any effective SEO strategy and content marketing is often what many businesses are built on.

Personally, I know how discouraging and frustrating it is to spend hours working your butt off on a blog post that you think is amazing, but then it totally flops - we all know that feeling, it sucks.

Blog posts with no traction online. Zero shares. Hardly any visits to that post, and it definitely isn’t a traffic-driver to your website. Whomp whomppppp.

Ugh, that’s the worst and I don’t want that for you ever again!

So when you guys come to me asking for help with blogging on Squarespace with SEO in mind, I’m happy to oblige.

Ask and ye shall receive, my friend!

In this blog post, we’re going to tall all about Squarespace SEO and blogging :)

I’m going to cover 5 things that you must do so that people can actually find and read your blog posts. It’s SEO focused, naturally, but we’re also going to cover several action points you can take so that you truly maximize the impact of each set of eyeballs on your website.

This is the kind of insider info that I give to my Squarespace SEO consulting clients and students in my online course, Top Squarespace SEO. But since I’m not one for secrets and truly want the best for anyone with a website, I’m giving you the goods here totally for free!

I’ve linked to several other posts about blogging and Squarespace SEO so be sure to check those out too, so that you get a really well-rounded look at this subject. I’ve got loads of content for you to binge!

Ready to get started? Let’s goooooooo!

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