Posts tagged birthday flash sale
An in-depth recap of my birthday flash sale for Top Squarespace SEO (online course)

Coming in HOT today with a really fun blog post, cause I’m another year older and another year wiser! 🎈

Earlier this week, I celebrated my birthday (on November 4th, it’s scorpio season baby) which is and of itself is pretty fun - but this year, I went all out!

I decided to celebrate this special occasion with a flash sale of my online course, Top Squarespace SEO!

This was the first time that I’ve ever run a flash sale and I learned SOOOO much during the process - seriously it was so much fun but it also meant that I had to master a whole new skill!

As such, I figured this would be a neat & actionable post for anyone who’s also interested in online marketing, experimenting in their business or trying something different with their online course :)

Alright so let’s talk flash sales.

In theory, they are pretty simple.

You just go all out and market/sell a product (or service, I guess) for a short period of time.

All your marketing efforts go towards that one sale and you want to spread the word as loudly and widely as possible! Everything else gets put on hold, it just chills on the back burner for a little while until the flash sale is over.

But if you’re like me and you’ve never run a flash sale before, then you probably have NO CLUE how to actually run a flash sale haha!

I mean, I figured I would need to make some changes to my website to announce and promote the flash sale for Top Squarespace SEO and I knew I’d likely send out some emails to my list… but beyond that, I was in the dark.

Because I was a flash sale first timer, I was basically starting from scratch and that meant I needed to learn everything and plan it all out ahead of time if I wanted the sale to be a success.

Luckily for me, I found several really helpful flash sale guides and templates online (thank you, Google!) and from there, I was able to hack together a pretty effective marketing plan and strategy.

So that’s what we’re going to go over in today’s blog post!

I’m sharing a lot of really actionable advice here so hopefully this helps you out if a flash sale is something you’re interested in trying out in your own business!

Ready to dive right in? Get comfy, this post is a long one :)

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How I create new lessons, guides and bonus resources for my online course, Top Squarespace SEO

Mixing things up a little with today’s post to give you a “behind the scenes” look at what actually goes into creating, marketing, up-keeping and improving an online course :)

Consider this your chance to peek behind the curtains of this part of my online business - happy creeping LOL!

Jokes aside, I’m sharing this information because I’m learning all about marketing and running an online course as I go, and I am super excited to document my process and share my take-aways and strategies with you, my audience! This is the kind of post I would have liked to read a few months ago when I getting ready to create new course content so I hope someone else finds it valuable too.

If you’ve been following my work online, you probably already know that I am primarily a web designer/developer and Squarespace SEO expert, but I also have an online course called Top Squarespace SEO.

You can read all about my experience creating and launching Top Squarespace SEO here:

Top Squarespace SEO is my baby - I launched it earlier in 2019 and it’s been SUCH a fun project to work on and I’ve been thrilled with the results my students have gotten so far! It’s actually the top-rated online course in this niche, which is pretty cool and something that I’ve very proud of.

If I’ve learned anything about having a successful online course, it’s that you can’t simply publish it, sell it, then never touch it again - LOL that would be one way to get some pretty crappy reviews!

Instead, online courses require regular updates and you’ve got to add new content to make it even better and more valuable to your customers. 

So, in this blog post I’m going to show you everything I did recently to update and improve Top Squarespace SEO, my top-rated online course.

i’m giving you an insider’s look at how I decide on the content that’ll be added to the course and how I identify gaps in the course content to see where new lessons, resources, bonuses etc. will be a value-add or improve the customer’s experience.

I’ll also share my process for actually creating that new content, how I research and plan out the information, how the new content gets added to the online course, and so much more!

So grab a cup of whatever the heck you want and settle in, this post is a good one!

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