Posts tagged blog post
How to write blog posts that are both SEO-friendly and on-brand

I’m super excited to share today’s blog post because the topic is inspired by a question that was asked during one of my recent daily Instagram Live Q&A videos.

The question asked was “How can I write blog posts that are good for SEO but are also on-brand?

I LOVE this question and decided it deserved it’s very own blog post where I share my best tips, things to consider and recommendations for writing blog posts that give you major SEO points but also remain on-brand and speak to your ideal audience.

Blogging isn’t rocket science, but it does require a little thought, planning and effort if you want to do it right. Good writing is a skill, but it’s something that can be improved over time with a little practice and guidance. At the same time, creating blog content that is SEO-friendly is a whole other ballgame than writing a random ol’ blog post just for the heck of it.

Listen, no one wants to write a blog post that has lots of strong SEO elements but comes across as robotic, impersonal or cold. Even if super corporate is your vibe, I know we can do better than that!

Instead, the goal is to write blog posts that tick all the SEO boxes but are still easy to read and undeniably YOU & YOUR BRAND.

In today’s post, I’m going to help you find the balance by giving you real, actionable points and recommendations for you to follow and implement on your own blog!

Whether you’re a blogger, solopreneur, small brand or business or all the way up to a large company, this post is for you!

So sit back, grab a fresh beverage and let’s talk about on-brand and SEO-friendly blogging!

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How to change a Squarespace blog post's publication date - video tutorial

Blogging and creating content for your website is rarely a “publish and never touch it again” situation.

It’s quite common to go back to old blog posts that you published a long time ago and update their content, improve the information, make it more current and increase the value to both search engines and visitors.

This is actually something i’ve been doing on my own website, and even though it takes a lot of time and effort to improve all of these previously published blog posts, I can already see some major SEO benefits! We’re talking an increase in website traffic, higher conversion rates, more opt-ins to my newsletter and higher rankings for my desired keywords and keyphrases. Yassss queen!

Once you decide to go back to these blog posts and pump them up with a second life, you probably want to update the blog post’s publication date while you’re at it since this can be an SEO factor.

I’ve already answered the question “Does changing a blog post’s publication date affect SEO?” so if you haven’t already, be sure to read that post for more information and a better understanding of what’s going on in Google’s mind.

But in this post specifically, I’m going to show you exactly how to change/update a Squarespace blog post’s publication date with clear, easy to follow instructions.

We’re looking at changing the publication date for blog posts that you’ve already published, as well as draft blog posts that are scheduled to go live in the future.

Click play to watch the video tutorial below or read on for written instructions!

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Does changing a Squarespace blog post's publication date affect SEO?

“If you update an old blog post, should you change the ‘published date’? Are there any SEO benefits for doing this?”

This is a question that came up recently during a Squarespace SEO Audit & Consulting client meeting and I figured since this topic has come up before, it’s worth creating a blog post about it to help out the rest of my audience - that would be YOU, my lovely little website & SEO nerds :)

When it comes to SEO and ranking high for your desired keywords/key terms, we can all agree that Google (and other search engines) favour both new AND refreshed/updated content. This is pretty much true across the board.

If we think back to the very basics of SEO and how Google decides what content to return in search results, it always comes back to the best and highest quality content on the internet.

Whether we’re talking about a web page, a blog post, a product description - whatever, really - the principle remains the same.

If you want your website to rank well for your desired keywords, then it’s a good idea to regularly publish new content on your website/blog. But at the same time, you also want to go back & revisit old blog posts to update them and make sure that the content is as valuable, current and up to date as possible.

This is something I’ve been focusing on recently, here on my own website and blog. Personally, I’ve been going back and updating & improving old posts on my blog and wow, there’s no denying that I’ve already seen major SEO benefits! We’re talking an increase in website traffic, better opt-in rates for my newsletter and freebies, content that ranks higher for my desired keywords, etc. It’s a lot of work but I can already see the impact it’s having so I’m going to stick with it!

But today we’re focusing specifically on BLOGGING - the relationship between blog post publication dates on Squarespace websites and SEO.

And this is perfect because the topic is timely for my own website’s SEO efforts, and it was also a client question during a consulting meeting! Hopefully this post will help out anyone who might be wondering the same thing.

I’m answering this question with a lot of detail here in this post but we’re going to look at two things:

  1. Whether or not there’s any SEO impact/benefits that comes from changing a blog post’s publication date

  2. Instructions on how to actually change the blog post’s publication date.

So let’s take a look, shall we?

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