Posts tagged parallax scrolling
Everything you need to know about parallax scrolling and Squarespace - video tutorial

Today’s post was inspired by a recent conversation I had with a client where we discussed which Squarespace template to use for their new website in order to present their content in the best way possible. I love it when a real-life situation or question comes up as a topic that I can share with you all here on my blog! 

In this post, we are going to dive DEEP into one of the hottest web design trends. You might not have heard of it but you definitely know it when you see it. That’s right, it’s parallax scrolling!

There’s a ton of information here because I want to make sure that you have everything you need to decide if parallax scrolling is a design feature that makes sense for you to use on your own website. If you decide to use it, I’m also going to show you how that works with Squarespace and walk you through you exactly how to get started with it!

Consider this your #nerdalert and keep reading if you’re ready to get technical!

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