Posts tagged sitefinity
Ultimate CMS Showdown - which platform is right for you?

After a summer hiatus, I'm back at it again and taking full advantage of Vancouver's booming tech scene. I've been popping around the city attending tech industry meet-ups, networking events, and panel discussions on a regular basis once more and it feels great. I love that our city is buzzing and that new opportunities present themselves at every turn. Our local tech industry is growing by leaps and bounds and I'm thrilled to be a part of it!

But does that mean that you're doomed if you DON'T live in a tech hub? Are you automatically at a disadvantage if you want to make it in our field outside of these areas? Are your chances of becoming a quality web designer/developer lower from the start?

NOPE, nope nope!

Thanks to the internet, information is instantly accessible to anyone, anywhere in a way that has never been seen before. This means that even if you don't live in a major area where tech events are happening every night of the week, you can still get the Coles Notes of these events with a little research!

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