Posts tagged style editor
How to add and style buttons on a Squarespace banner image - video tutorial

Isn’t it funny how something so small can pack a big punch? One little tweak and all of a sudden WHAM, you’ve got a totally different result.

I’ve noticed that small yet intentional elements can heighten design in a major way, and this is particularly true when you look at header images.

Many modern websites are styled with a large, full-width banner image that greets you when you first land on a page. There’s often a background image with text overlay on top. 

But if you want to take your design a step further and incorporate a really effective call to action? That’s where the beloved button comes in.

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How to add and style a button in Squarespace - video tutorial

When you think of buttons, think beyond Benjamin Button and Brad Pitt's adventures in ageing. 

Instead, let's talk about buttons in web design/development and how they are one of my favourite Squarespace features!

I use buttons on every single website I build and design for my clients. I love when buttons are styled with a pop of colour and stand alone without surrounding clutter because then they are much more likely to be clicked. Whether we use them on web pages or within a blog post, buttons are a wonderful way to highlight a call-to-action (CTA) that you want people to take.

Once you decide to add a button to your Squarespace website, don't forget to style it so that it matches your site's branding and aesthetic!

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My secrets to beautiful Squarespace typography (bonus font guide included)

Choosing and combining fonts is an art, not a science.

Whether that's for a digital platform (like your website) or in print, typography can make or break your branding.

Typography is a hugely important design element, one which can have an instant impact on how people interact with your brand.

There are many different considerations when choosing the fonts to use, and those apply whether you're talking about your Squarespace website or design and marketing collateral.

I presume you haven't been to design school and are here for the Coles Notes (ain't no shame) so I've rounded up my favourite tips for beautiful Squarespace typography. Since there's so much to learn about this subject, let's dive right in! 

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