How to be consistent with Squarespace SEO

How to be consistent with squarespace seo (1).jpg

Today’s blog post/video tutorial comes highly requested by several of my recent Squarespace SEO Audit & Consulting clients and I knew it would be a great topic to share with you here, dear blog reader!

One of the biggest struggles of Squarespace SEO is CONSISTENCY.

SEO is all about playing the long game. Yes you will see some quick wins but it’s ultimately about lasting results that continue to build over time. As such, you can’t expect to simply spend a few hours tweaking a couple settings on the back end of your website and call it a day, hoping that’s enough to rank on the first page of Google. LOL, I wish!

Instead, an effective Squarespace SEO strategy that delivers actual results and sustainable growth requires you to be consistent and stick with this particular online marketing plan over many weeks, months and yes, even years.

So…. how do you actually do that? How can you become consistent with your Squarespace SEO strategy in order to grow your website in the way that you want, and reach your dream clients/customers and ideal audience online?

As a Squarespace SEO expert and leader in this super random little niche, it’s my job/pleasure to introduce you to things like this and present it in a way that makes you think, yes Charlotte I can handle this!

This is the kind of insider info that I share with my Squarespace SEO consulting clients and students in my online course, Top Squarespace SEO. But since I’m not one for secrets and truly want the best for anyone with a website, I’m giving you the summarized goods here - totally for free!

Read the blog post or watch the video tutorial below - either way, you’re about to learn the “how” behind being consistent in Squarespace SEO so that you follow your strategy and see real results.

Some of you reading this might be totally new to Squarespace SEO and are looking for an introduction to this topic, someone to hold your hand and show you it’s not actually that scary. On the flip side, you might already be familiar with a few points on this list already but maybe you are looking for confirmation that you’re on the right track and haven’t missed anything important. No matter where you are in your Squarespace SEO journey, I know you’ll benefit from this info!

Alright, let’s get straight to it - read the post and watch the video tutorial below to see what it takes to actually be consistent with your Squarespace SEO strategy!



I have so many tips to share on the subject that it would have been crazy to put it all in one article! There are many misconceptions about Squarespace SEO which is why I've dedicate so many posts to this topic. Enjoy!

Click to view all posts in the Squarespace SEO Series

Visit my Squarespace SEO page for lots more resources.


Being Consistent with your Squarespace SEO Strategy


Why does consistency matter for Squarespace SEO?

Squarespace SEO isn’t about making a few tweaks to the back end of your website and expecting to miraculously end up on the first page of Google. Wouldn’t that be nice?!

Instead, Squarespace SEO requires you to chip away at your website little by little over time. You’ll be making updates and improvement to existing website content (think: web pages, blog posts, product descriptions, galleries, etc.) but also adding fresh NEW keyword-rich content to your website as well. All those juicy backlinks you crave? They don’t happen by accident - instead, you’ll be pursuing them and pitching yourself to the right platforms over time.

Think back to the basic SEO principles about how search engines interact with your Squarespace website: they crawl and index your content, then decide how to rank you in online search results for specific keyword/keyphrase searches.

Google and other search engines will keep coming back to your website to re-crawl and re-index your content, and as they notice all this new & improved content, they’ll change your website’s records in their databases and may rank you higher as a result. This is GREAT news for you because once you understand that websites are ever growing and evolving, and you can use that to your advantage, then you can really make the connecting to the value your SEO efforts make in improving how your website ranks in online search results.

Consistently updating existing website content or consistently creating valuable new website content is a big factor that search engines consider as they crawl & index your website and return your website in search results. So, if they see that you’ve been diligently publishing keyword-rich blog posts every week for the last 6 months, for example, then you might be rewarded with higher rankings over another comparable website or piece of content.

I’m here to give you a full action plan and the steps to follow so that you too can be consistent with Squarespace SEO!

Consistency is QUEEN and it’s one of the most underrated aspects of Squarespace SEO success. Don’t snooze on it :)

1. Know your “WHY”

Yes, I know this is a little bit woo-woo and you might be like, “wait what, I just wanna know the technical aspects here???” but stick with me here!

In order to be consistent with Squarespace SEO, you MUST know your “why”. In order to do the work, you’re going to have to take action - but the energy & thought that drives the action is how you’re going to actually stick with it and be consistent over the long run.

So, what do we mean by the “why” behind Squarespace SEO?

Here are a few examples of “why” that often come up for my Squarespace SEO clients & students:

  1. People are looking for an effective, cost-efficient and high ROI online marketing strategy and they know that SEO is the one for them!

  2. They’re an introvert or aren’t interested in doing more visible online marketing strategies (e.g., live video, webinars, social media stories, etc.) so they want to do SEO because it’s a way to still grow their website/brand/business organically without having to be “in your face” or on camera all day, every day (note: relatable haha)

  3. Time flexible - you can work on SEO on your own schedule and timeline, as much or as little as you want with lots of freedom and flexibility

  4. Genuinely enjoy creating content - writing content, playing around with website copy, including media and images in your blog posts, etc.

Listen to THIS audio on the Law of Deliberate Creation if you want to learn more about why energy and action are so closely linked.

I recommend that you write down your “why” on a post-it note and stick it next to your desk or workspace. This way, every time you sit down to work on your Squarespace SEO plan, you’ll have your “why” staring you in the face and it reminds you of why you’re doing this work. It’s all about that energy, yo!

2. Strategy

In order to be consistent with Squarespace SEO, you have to have an idea of what you’re doing and where you want to go. Can’t just blunder your way forward aimlessly and expect results, let alone that you’ll stick with it!

Here’s a shameless plug for you to grab a copy of my Squarespace SEO Checklist if you haven’t already. It’s a totally free, 1-page download that you can print off, work your way through, check things off as you progress, and have the beginnings of a Squarespace SEO strategy to follow moving forward. If you don’t yet have a Squarespace SEO strategy, this is a great place to start!

Beyond that, I recommend that you make your way through the rest of my Squarespace SEO content here on my website and the tutorials over on my Youtube channel. There are sooooo many resources to support you as your build your own Squarespace SEO strategy! Know where you’re going and what you’re going to do - strategy guides the work and from there, consistency keeps you from bouncing from random idea to random idea.

Go beyond the quick wins - strategy and consistency will get you all the way.

3. Embrace the momentum from the Quick Wins

Listen, I LOVE quick wins just as much as the next person! That initial dopamine hit is often enough to get you started and take you from “omg blah” to “SEO is my bish”.

When we talk about quick wins, the most obvious place to start is to look at the settings on the back end of your Squarespace website that are directly related to SEO.

These are things you can do RIGHT NOW, like literally once you finish reading this blog post. You can spend a few minutes or whatever making sure that you’ve got this all taken care of, and yes it’s often enough to get the SEO ball rolling.

If you’re looking for quick wins for Squarespace SEO, make sure you check out these two blog posts/video tutorials:

  1. Squarespace SEO 101: Beginner's guide to the 3 most important website settings

  2. 4 MORE of the best built-in Squarespace SEO features

From here, you can audit & improve existing website content (pages, blog posts, product descriptions, galleries, etc.) by making sure that they are correctly formatted & optimized with all the most important on-site SEO factors.

These quick wins will give you a burst of momentum and you can leverage that into building consistency into your Squarespace SEO strategy for the best results that will last and grow longterm.

4. Have a plan of execution

Once you’ve taken care of the Squarespace SEO quick wins (whether it’s by setting up the back end of your Squarespace website correctly or improving/optimizing existing website content), then we have to think about a long-term plan to execute the rest of your Squarespace SEO strategy.

This phase is all about creating NEW high value, keyword rich content that is directly targeting your dream clients/customers or ideal audience online.

Having a Squarespace SEO plan means that you decide to dedicate X number of hours a week in order to work towards your goals. You might decide to publish 1 blog post every week at the start and build up from there as your skills improve and you start seeing the results.

A few tips for planning your Squarespace SEO strategy:

  • Have a plan & strategy that you’re going to follow

  • Block out time in your calendar

  • Add recurring tasks to your project management tool (Asana, Trello, etc.)

  • Delegate to the appropriate team member

You can’t be consistent without a plan. You should never be asking yourself “hmmm shall I do Squarespace SEO this week?” if you want results. Nope! It has to be something that you’re committed to doing no matter what because you know the payoff is worth it.

Sorry to burst your bubble but this is a non-negotiable part of your online marketing strategy :)

5. Track your progress & results

I love the saying “what gets measured gets managed” because omg it’s so true. One of the best ways to stick with your Squarespace SEO strategy and be consistent over the long run is to actually see that your efforts are paying off.

This is why I recommend that you track your progress and measure your results.

You can do this anyway you’d like but my Website Growth Tracker is a great place to start. It’s a tried & true resource that you can start using today and it’ll keep you on track, motivated and consistent.

As you keep an eye on your metrics, you’ll see your growth and progress that comes from your efforts - the numbers don’t lie after all.

At the end of the day, I don’t care how you track your Squarespace SEO progress, but I cannot emphasize enough how important it is to do it in a way that keeps you focused, on task and consistent with your efforts.

Final Thoughts

Squarespace SEO isn’t rocket science but it does require consistency if you want real results!

Consistency is all about getting in the zone and doing the work that you know will pay off.

Know your why. Have a strategy in place and a plan to follow. Start with the quick wins to build that momentum and then move on to long term planning of your high value, keyword rich content that will build your website, attract your dream clients/customers and ideal audience online. Trust me, it’s worth it!

There’s a lot to consider with Squarespace SEO and I totally understand that it’s a daunting subject when you’re first starting out, which is why I’m thrilled to help you out with this blog post/video tutorial all about being consistent with your Squarespace SEO strategy.

Whether you’re just starting out with a brand new website and want to make sure that you’re setting it up correctly, or if you’ve had a site live for a while and now want to grow it to make more of an impact, SEO will get you where you want to go! From web pages to blog posts to product descriptions, these factors should be considered across your Squarespace website if you want best results.

Now it's your turn to tell me, do you have a Squarespace SEO strategy in place? Are you consistent with your efforts? Have you fallen off the wagon? What’s the hardest thing about being consistent or sticking with it?

Leave me your questions down in the comments below and I’ll do my best to answer them. As people are spending more time online than ever before, it’s SO important that your website shows up properly in search results so that you can reach your ideal audience online - but you can’t do this without SEO!

If you want more SEO goodness, be sure to check out my Squarespace SEO page for all resources on the topic.


My signature online course, Top Squarespace SEO, will be opening for enrollment again soon - sign up for the TSS waiting list here!

You can also sign up for my newsletter (right here or below), where I often share Squarespace SEO tips, tricks and high-quality exclusive content. I send out emails to my list every Wednesday, mostly focused on Squarespace websites and SEO, and I can guarantee that you’ll find the newsletter topics interesting, entertaining and worth your time. #humblebrag

Finally, shameless plug: hit me up with any specific questions you have about Squarespace SEO and your website because I’m your girl. You can reach out to me directly if you’re interested in working together on your website and we can talk about whether or not you would be a good fit for my consulting and ongoing services. I can’t take on every request to do Squarespace SEO consulting but I do pick a few websites and businesses to work with every month and I’d love for you to be one of them. 

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