Posts tagged services
The most common client takeaways that come up during my Squarespace SEO Audit & Consulting Sessions

There must be something in the air or maybe it’s all the “spring refresh” going around, but things have been BUSY on the work front lately!

My Squarespace SEO Audit & Consulting Sessions, in particular, have been extremely popular over the past few weeks and I’ve had so much fun meeting with different website and business owners. Our sessions last for 1.5 hours and it’s insane how time flies when we’re in the zone. During each consulting session, we dive in deep, cover so much, and come up with a practical and actionable SEO strategy that my clients can implement moving forward. I love seeing all the “aha!” moments that pop up during our sessions and I get such a kick every time someone says “Wow, I thought this would be dull but it’s not” - c’mon hunni, that’s not how I roll :)

Now before you think that this blog post is just a promotion for my Squarespace SEO Audit & Consulting Sessions, stay with me!

I’m tooting my own horn, yes, but I’m also sharing this to set the scene and really drive home that I’ve been doing a lot of these sessions lately and have noticed several takeaways that keep coming up.

Let’s take a look.

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