Posts in Web Design/Development
How to add and style buttons on a Squarespace banner image - video tutorial

Isn’t it funny how something so small can pack a big punch? One little tweak and all of a sudden WHAM, you’ve got a totally different result.

I’ve noticed that small yet intentional elements can heighten design in a major way, and this is particularly true when you look at header images.

Many modern websites are styled with a large, full-width banner image that greets you when you first land on a page. There’s often a background image with text overlay on top. 

But if you want to take your design a step further and incorporate a really effective call to action? That’s where the beloved button comes in.

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How to schedule a Squarespace blog post

Imagine this: you've spent hours plotting out the content calendar for your blog (because you know how important blogs are to every website) and you know exactly what posts you're going to publish over the next few weeks. Hooray! The blog posts drafts have been written out, the images have been curated and prepped, and you're all ready to go.

The only problem? You don't want to publish all that content live at the same time.

This is where scheduling comes in!

When you create a draft blog post, you don't have to publish it live right away. In fact, you can easily schedule the post to go live sometime in the future at a date and time that works best for you! Best of all, it's SUPER easy to do.

If you've ever wanted to schedule a blog post in advance, this video tutorial is for you. I'm going to walk you through setting up a demo draft blog post, how to schedule it, and a whole lot more.

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How to add and format images on a Squarespace website - video tutorial

Images! Photos! Graphics! Visual content!

Whatever you call it, there's no doubt that what you see on a website is hugely important.

We add images to website for a ton of different reasons. Maybe it's to showcase our products, introduce ourselves and our businesses to our audience, or to highlight our beautiful photography. There are SO many ways you can use images on your website, and Squarespace does an awesome job of helping you present it in the best way possible!

Adding an image to your Squarespace website is done through the Image Blocks section. The process is the same whether it's on a page or post (blog).

Once the has been added with the Image Block, formatting those images on your Squarespace website is a MUST. I recorded this overview video tutorial of the Image Blocks section so that you can see just how many options are available to you to make sure that your images pop! I walk you through everything you need to know about adding and using the image block on a Squarespace page (or blog post) as well as a breakdown of each option.

If you've ever wanted to try out a different look and feel on your website, changing up your images is a great place to start. 

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How to enable and disable comments on your Squarespace website - video tutorial

Let's talk about comments : do you love them or hate them?

Personally, I'm a huge fan of comments because I think they help make a blog post much more interactive and I love hearing from my readers. If someone wants to take the time to comment on something I've written, I figure why the heck wouldn't I let them? Obviously I'm not a fan of spammer/trolling comments so I don't publish those, but otherwise I encourage people to comment on my blog posts and get excited every time someone leaves a comment.

But I know that not everyone feels that way. In fact, I know lots of successful websites that do not allow comments! Or if they do allow comments, they have some pretty strict settings in place. 

When it comes to deciding whether or not to include comments on your website or blog, you should think about what makes the most sense for YOU and your goals. There's no right or wrong answer here!

If you've ever wanted to learn how to enable or disable comments on your Squarespace website, or how to control those comment settings further, you've come to the right place. This video tutorial is for you!

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