How to add an Instagram feed to a Squarespace website - video tutorial

Put your hand up if you spend WAY too much time on Instagram! *raises hand in shame*

According to MediaKix, the average person spends about 15 minutes a day on Instagram... but if we're being honest, I bet that for a lot of us the number is WAY higher.

What does this mean for you? Well, dear friend, it means that you have a really great opportunity to build a relationship with your audience if you tap into social media - Instagram in particular!

Related: Expert Roundup : Using social media to support your website

I'm going to assume you already have an Instagram account, but now you're ready to integrate it further with your digital strategy. The first step is to connect your social media accounts with your Squarespace website.

Once that's done, the natural next step is to add an Instagram feed to your Squarespace website. If you've ever wanted to add an Instagram feed to your site (whether on a web page or in a blog post) but weren't sure how to do it, this video tutorial will show you how.

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5 tips for attending a tech event

I recently attended an awesome tech event that had a lively expert panel and community discussion session. The event lasted nearly three hours but it seemed to fly by and believe it or not, I had a blast!

Attending this event got me thinking about what a hot mess I was when I first started attending tech events. I would get super nervous and anxious for days ahead of the event, and when I finally dragged myself through the doors, I would hover around the exit with a warm drink in my hand without saying a word to anyone. I've come a long way since those early days and now I actually enjoy and look forward to them! The more events you go to, the more people you meet and friends you made, and before long these tech events start to be FUN!

I decided to record this video to share my top 5 tips for attending a tech event and I hope you find them useful and applicable! I also share my email templates so that you can follow up with new industry friends & contacts the RIGHT way after a tech event.

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How to link to an email address in Squarespace - video tutorial

A super quick and easy video tutorial coming at you, my friend!

Today's topic isn't super fancy or technical but it's something that I know many of you struggle with if you are new to the world of web design/development and setting up a Squarespace website for the first time.

In this video tutorial, I'm going to show you how to link to an email address on your Squarespace website!

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How to add and style a button in Squarespace - video tutorial

When you think of buttons, think beyond Benjamin Button and Brad Pitt's adventures in ageing. 

Instead, let's talk about buttons in web design/development and how they are one of my favourite Squarespace features!

I use buttons on every single website I build and design for my clients. I love when buttons are styled with a pop of colour and stand alone without surrounding clutter because then they are much more likely to be clicked. Whether we use them on web pages or within a blog post, buttons are a wonderful way to highlight a call-to-action (CTA) that you want people to take.

Once you decide to add a button to your Squarespace website, don't forget to style it so that it matches your site's branding and aesthetic!

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