How to perform a content audit on your website

Regular readers of this blog might have noticed that my website recently got a mini facelift :)

It had been well over a year since I last touched my website design and the time had to come to make some changes. 

The look and feel of my site, particularly the homepage, needed to be revamped and I was ready to revamp the visuals, change up the layout and make my information easier to understand. I was ready to switch to a website that balanced pretty and performance it it's design

Over the past year or so, my offerings have changed - a lot. There are different services packages, I launched a brand new product line, and have new articles, video tutorials and resources I want to highlight that will help my audience. From the very first moment a visitor arrives on my website, they should know who I am, what I do and how I serve my audience. 

This meant that I had to re-design my website and the layout of how that information was presented. 

It also meant that I was forced to review and update the copy of my website in order to communicate all that goodness in the easiest way possible.

Here’s where the content audit comes in! 

If you're totally new to website content audits or are interested in doing one on your site but aren't sure where to start, you've come to the right place. I'm going to take you through my process below and show you what steps to take so that you can perform a content audit on your own website too!

Let's take a look, shall we?

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6 ways to totally WOW your clients

Everybody out there working in a services-based business, raise your hands and say "yeah"! 

If you run a services-based business, you’ll know that your clients are everything. They are the ones who pay you for your services, book up space in your calendar, and pay you enough to maintain that cheeky Sephora habit. Thanks for that, sweet clients!

One thing that often gets overlooked, however, is client experience. It’s one thing to render a service and do a job well done. That’s the baseline, the bare minimum you should be striving for.

What will really set you apart, however, is when you can deliver a client experience that totally knocks their socks off! Not only will this improve your reputation with clients and in the industry at large, it often leads to effortless referrals and repeat business. And guess what? It doesn't have to be hard to do!

I’m sharing 6 ways you can totally wow your clients no matter what type of service you deliver - even if you’ve never met them in person.

Let’s take a look!

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Pretty vs Performance : What to prioritize in your website’s design

You’ve finally decided to launch a new website (after taking my free course, perhaps?) or that it's time to give you existing site a facelift. Exciting news, let's break out the bubbly!

But before your site can go live, you’ve got to take care of all the heavy lifting and actually build and design the website. It’s important to slow down and think critically about the website design process if you want to do it right the first time. Not everyone has time for a starter website!

If you aren’t clear on your website’s goals, it’s nearly impossible to build a website that fits your brand, generates leads AND helps grow your business. When the focus of a website is purely on aesthetics and the design ignores the goals, the best case scenario is that you end up with an appealing website that doesn't perform how you want it to. The truth is, however, that often you’ve just wasted everyone’s time and a whole lot of money. Whomp whomppppp.

In my opinion, we can do better than that. 

Today we are going to take a look at what I prioritize in my custom website projects and look at the relationship between pretty and performance websites.

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How to get images on your Squarespace website to show up in Google image search results

There's no denying it, Google is everyone's favourite search engine. It's where we turn everyday to find the answers to our most burning questions, look something up on the fly, or help us get the information we're looking for.

It's one thing to use a search engine like Google for your own personal use, but as website owners, we're constantly making sure that our websites are set up in the best way possible to show up in Google's search results. We spend a considerable amount of time and effort on this because we know that ranking higher and showing up in Google's search results will help us grow faster by increasing traffic to our website and exposing our site to a wider audience.

Images on a website play a huge part in SEO, and if you add and set up images on your site in a way that has Google Image Search in mind, you'll be way ahead of the competition. 

In this post, we are going to look at how to get the images on your Squarespace website to show up in Google image search results. There are so many SEO benefits from this and it's a great thing to focus on if you want to grow your website. 

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